Warhammer 40k 8th edition rules stratagens
Warhammer 40k 8th edition rules stratagens

warhammer 40k 8th edition rules stratagens
  1. #Warhammer 40k 8th edition rules stratagens full#
  2. #Warhammer 40k 8th edition rules stratagens free#

Very useful on a damaged Cult Leman Russ, allowing it to fire at full BS when you use the stratagem. A nice stratagem for boosting the combat effectiveness of a vehicle for a single turn, either allowing the vehicle to move at full rate and/or fire at full effectiveness. For that turn, use the top row of the damage table when determining how many wounds the model has left.

#Warhammer 40k 8th edition rules stratagens free#

Works very well with the Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor warlord trait, giving you bonus command points and a free re-roll, effectively giving you this stratagem for free.ĭevoted Crew (1CP)– Use on a Genestealer Cults vehicle. This would be useful on the Primus, giving him a 9″ bubble that gives units +1 to hit in the Fight phase.

warhammer 40k 8th edition rules stratagens

For example, you can increase the range on any aura abilites by 3″. A nice bargain for 1CP, as Genestealer Cults have some useful warlord traits that they can access. This allows you to select one Magus and one Primus in the army and give them warlord traits (all three must be different).Ĭompetitive.

warhammer 40k 8th edition rules stratagens

Also great for circumventing the reserve limits, allowing you to put over 50% of your army’s points total in reserves after deployment.īroodcoven (1CP)– Used if your warlord is a Patriarch. Also, would allow you to pull a refused flank, getting enemy units out of position before the game starts. This allows you to get selected units in a better position if you have not placed the ambush markers well, or your opponent has gone for a refused flank. A strong stratagem for putting more of your units in reserve after deployment. Up to 3 units (excluding vehicles) from your army can be removed from the battlefield and set up underground as described in Cult Ambush. They Came From Below (1CP)– Use before revealing a Cult Ambush marker. A strong stratagem in the right circumstances. Also good for a Lascannon Heavy Weapons squad sitting back in cover to help keep your anti-tank firepower safer. I can see this being of use if you have a unit holding an objective in cover to stop your opponent from shooting them off of it to stop you from scoring points. A strong stratagem to help keep an infantry safe from enemy firepower. Until the end of the phase, enemy units cannot shoot the unit unless they are the closest visible target.Ĭompetitive. Lurk in the Shadows (2CP)– Play at the start of your opponent’s shooting phase on an Infantry unit. Obviously of little use when using ITC missions. I will probably use this one in many of my games. I’m a big fan of maelstrom games and this is a huge boost, keeping your opponent guessing as to what you are trying to achieve each turn. This is similar to the Dark Angels stratagem allowing you to keep the cards drawn a secret.

warhammer 40k 8th edition rules stratagens

However, this rating does not refer to that, but rather that you will rarely be using the stratagem, even when the right conditions come up to allow you to use it.Ĭlandestine Goals (1CP)– If the mission you are playing uses Tactical Objectives, you can keep your objectives secret from your opponent until they are scored.Ĭompetitve. Obviously, most stratagems are Situational as you need specific things to happen to be able to use them. Situational: This is a codex entry that may not pass as competitive on its own merits but can be made effective in a creative list, as a meta-buster, or in a specific combo or scenario where it ratchets up in power to potentially very high strength but otherwise will not be seen very often.Efficient: This is a codex entry that can stand on its own merit in a matched play list but works best when combined up with other units or in specific situations to become very powerful but may not always be seen.Competitive: This is a codex entry (unit, stratagem, item, etc.) that has a place in essentially any competitive list built with this faction regardless of unit choices or is the source of a significant force multiplication effect for other units.Here is the rating systems I will be using in the review: For more review and analyses, check out the Tactics Corner. Hi everyone, Michael here with a review of the Stratagems in the Genestealer Cults codex.

Warhammer 40k 8th edition rules stratagens