#Tips cities skylines pc how to
Indeed, we can say that skyscrapers are implied in the game’s title but it’s not clear how to get them. Many people are puzzled about how to get skyscrapers in Cities Skylines question. These are the Cities Skylines tips 2021 gained from my personal experience.

Think about building parks and schools for your existing areas. There is no sense to have huge low-density districts in the beginning of the game. Keep in mind that you may improve your existing districts by providing more services. Always remember to keep your water tower away from industries and electric stations. Pumps require waterfront and may be poisoned with crap from sewage. I prefer water towers to get water for my citizens.On the other hand, it shouldn’t be too far from your first districts because you will spend too much on pipes. Consider flows in the area to avoid turning your waterfronts into shit rivers. Or you can build it far away but in this case you will have to spend more on roads. The best options in the beginning are industrial and commercial zones. Don’t place residential areas next to it. In the beginning you may want to build a coal electric station.As in the beginning you are pretty poor, try to use as fewer service buildings as possible and reduce funding right away.It’s better to preserve such areas for high-density districts. Do not expand to some attractive places with high land value in the beginning. At first you will be able to build only low-density districts.Here are some City Skylines tips for beginners in 2021: More tips on strategic planning can be found here. Thanks to such Cities Skylines planning you won’t find yourself in the situation when you have no clean waterfront for a marina or a leisure district because your shore is covered with sewage and ports. Use a list of paper to create a raw plan of districts and key roads, railways, etc. Such key points may include deposits of raw materials for industries, rivers, forests, outside connections. For example, you may want to reserve a seashore for a cargo harbor, it will require good wide connections and you won’t be placing residential areas next to a noisy port. Your Cities Skylines city planning can be based on land types. Being familiar with all the available districts, industries and so on you can create a strategy of city building and expansion. You should dedicate some time to thinking about how to start Cities Skylines game. So, let’s go for Cities Skylines guide 2021 How to Start in Cities Skylines

#Tips cities skylines pc full
My blog is full of City Skylines tips so I tried to put recommendations that weren’t mentioned before. Now we can say that this is an established game and I decided to summarize my experience in this Cities Skylines beginner guide This game received numerous expansions in the past and we were learning how to apply changes after each DLC. Сities Skylines Tips for Beginners in 2021 Cities Skylines Beginner Guide 2021